As I hope is obvious, Bumble is not his real name but it is his "bump" name. It took us an unbelievable amount of time to come up with his real name.
Both Bumble's dad and I are secondary school teachers - this made finding a name that didn't remind either one of us of a "trying" child nigh on impossible. Now don't get me wrong, I've taught any number of fantastic Jacks, Harrys and Maxs but it's always the really difficult kids with these names that come to mind first.
So, we started with a baby name book and proceeded to cross out every "definitely not" name (the whole section of J names was just ignored - as any teacher will tell you, there are a disproportionate number of naughty boys with J names!). This narrowed 2400 names down to 11 but took hours!
Over the next 10 weeks we slowly got this down to 3 which we both liked. Bumble's first name was eventually chosen (by Dad) about 3hrs after his birth which is why on his hospital tags he was simply "Babyboy Dee".
Oddly (although perhaps, on reflection, unsurprisingly) Bumble's middle names were easier to decide on! I was really keen for him to have my husband's name as a middle name, I don't know why but it really is important to me.
My husband is a Physicist and his hero is Richard Feynman, a genuinely amazing guy - if you ever have a spare hour or so I thoroughly recommend looking up "The Pleasure of Finding Things Out" - so Bumble's other middle name is Feynman. I have given up trying to explain this one and now just say yes when asked if it's a family name! The misspellings are hilarious and bizarrely still happen after I've written his name down for people...
So, I guess we've provided him with a challenge - but an interesting reason for his name.
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